
Showing posts from September, 2018

Teamsters Local 320 backs Keith Ellison, and it costs them big!

Teamsters 320 Brian Aldes on megaphone  Teamsters Local 320 has backed anti-law enforcement and women beating candidate Keith Ellison and it just cost them big. Breaking: The Metro Transit Police just decertified Teamsters Local 320 as their representative! No surprise to this writer. Instead of backing their members, Teamsters Local 320 has been busy supporting Ellison and protesting the Janus decision, which allows members to quit to avoid their money supporting the likes of Ellison, and other far left candidates. They even support communist groups like the Democratic Socialist of America. Here's the proof. On September 17th Teamsters Local 320 and the usual suspects, AFSCME and SEIU protested the Center for the American Experiment in Minneapolis because Mark Janus was speaking. Look who wrote the Teamsters Local 320 Press Release, Gus Froemke. PRESS CONTACT Gus Froemke Email: Phone: (612) 378-8732 Look at Gus Froemke's website,  ht

A Tale of Two Standards

We are all familiar with the serious allegations against MN Rep (and Attorney General candidate) Keith Ellison. Two women have accused him of abuse and there are even police reports. Minnesota Senator Tina Smith is silent on this matter. Yet when a women suddenly "recalls" an event when she was drunk and in high school 36 years ago Senator Tina Smith says on her twitter page: " These are very serious allegations. Both Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford have agreed to testify in front of the Judiciary Committee and that needs to happen. And we must have a full and thorough investigation before anything else can happen with this nomination ." Tina Smith you are showing yourself not to care about women, but Party! You have only silence about two women making recent documented complaints against Keith Ellison. Where is your call for Keith Ellison and his accusers to testify before a Congressional Committee? If you cared about women you would care about

When Unions think they are above the Law!

I am shocked beyond belief.  Fox News is reporting that,   "Despite the landmark Supreme Court ruling this summer barring public-sector unions from requiring nonmembers to pay so-called agency fees, workers in several states say unions are either flat-out ignoring the decision or establishing a frustrating maze of procedural roadblocks to avoid compliance." Rather then adhering to the Supreme Court decision in Janus v AFSCME that said Public Employees cannot be compelled to pay Fair Share Dues, they apparently think they can resist.  For over 200 years a Supreme Court decision was final law. But these Unions are like a cancer. You think they are under control and they just metastasize! SEIU and AFSCME (that directly lost) are now illegally making windows where people can withdraw at a future date. Some State Governments are even working with the Unions by not getting consent to take out dues. But here's the frosting on the cake, the case was because AFSCME F

Today is Septemeber 11th

Today is September 11th. Seventeen years ago Islamists hijacked our planes filled with American civilians, and slammed them into our skyscrapers murdering even more civilians. We quickly learned these enemies had gained access legally, then over stayed their Visa's. We also learned those particular attackers were mainly from Saudi Arabia, but there were more waiting in other countries. We learned the words 'sleeper cell.' Seventeen years later the attack continues. While most Americans try to go about their daily lives they wait. They train in our deserts to murder our children in schools and attack hospitals. They stab civilians in Saint Cloud Malls. They light arson fires at St. Catherine's University. They drive their cars onto sidewalks to kill 'infidels.' They openly call for hatred of Jews, like Linda Sarsour and Keith Ellison's mentor Louis Farrakhan. Our politicians call for tolerance and understanding. They call for gun control in the

Have the Unions discovered their members?

So I'm watching the news , when suddenly I see Tim Henderson of AFSCME Council 5 supporting Stillwater Corrections Officers desire for more cameras and staff in the once again reopened industry area at Stillwater MCF! That's funny, in a pathetic way. While Stillwater prison CO's were asking for more staff before, where was AFSCME? Supporting Black Lives Matter  protesting law enforcement instead. When staff complained about the increase in inmate on staff assaults where was AFSCME? Backing the policy of letting inmates out of segregation early for "inmate mental health." For years AFSCME, SEIU and Teamsters have been more concerned with funneling money to Democratic politicians then supporting members. Suddenly the Supreme Court rules that Public Employee's don't have to pay fare share dues and the money spigot starts drying up. A good man dies on the job because the Union ignored member pleas for safe workplace conditions and even more members

No Labor Left in the DFL

This Labor Day keep in mind the old DFL, (Democratic, Farmer, Labor) Party has abandoned Labor. Most Americans work to support their families and increase their standard of living. For years Minnesota's DFL Party claimed to be the champions of the blue collar worker.  No more. Governor Dayton has shown the hand of the entire party. Do not forget as we hit the election season that Governor Dayton vetoed the Tax Conformity Bill last session. This means while most of the country benefits from President Trump's tax cuts, many Minnesotans won't! According to the Duluth Tribune , "An estimated 800,000 Minnesotans are expected to end up paying up to $850 million in extra taxes."  Nationally many Democrats are running on repealing tax cuts and increasing taxes. In Minnesota the Democratic Governor made sure they get more of your money. So what used to be the DFL Party is now just the DF (Deaf) Party. Deaf to your desire to keep your own money! So this Lab