Today is Septemeber 11th

Today is September 11th.

Seventeen years ago Islamists hijacked our planes filled with American civilians, and slammed them into our skyscrapers murdering even more civilians.

We quickly learned these enemies had gained access legally, then over stayed their Visa's. We also learned those particular attackers were mainly from Saudi Arabia, but there were more waiting in other countries. We learned the words 'sleeper cell.'

Seventeen years later the attack continues. While most Americans try to go about their daily lives they wait. They train in our deserts to murder our children in schools and attack hospitals. They stab civilians in Saint Cloud Malls. They light arson fires at St. Catherine's University. They drive their cars onto sidewalks to kill 'infidels.'

They openly call for hatred of Jews, like Linda Sarsour and Keith Ellison's mentor Louis Farrakhan.

Our politicians call for tolerance and understanding. They call for gun control in the face of danger. While the enemy trains in our midst.

American's elected a President who supports secure borders. He, and those of us who believe likewise are called racist.

I call it having eyes wide open and being patriotic. It is September 11th. Stand strong with your eyes open!

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