Teamsters Local 320 backs Keith Ellison, and it costs them big!

Teamsters 320 Brian Aldes on megaphone 
Teamsters Local 320 has backed anti-law enforcement and women beating candidate Keith Ellison and it just cost them big.

Breaking: The Metro Transit Police just decertified Teamsters Local 320 as their representative!

No surprise to this writer. Instead of backing their members, Teamsters Local 320 has been busy supporting Ellison and protesting the Janus decision, which allows members to quit to avoid their money supporting the likes of Ellison, and other far left candidates.

They even support communist groups like the Democratic Socialist of America. Here's the proof.
On September 17th Teamsters Local 320 and the usual suspects, AFSCME and SEIU protested the Center for the American Experiment in Minneapolis because Mark Janus was speaking.

Look who wrote the Teamsters Local 320 Press Release, Gus Froemke.

Gus Froemke

Phone: (612) 378-8732

Look at Gus Froemke's website,
It's all anti-Trump drivel, not unexpected, but it also has a link to the Democratic Socialists of America!

His Twitter account, @GusRP describes him as, "Union Thug. Teamster. Leftist. Workers of the World Unite!" 

Why would any LEO or CO want to support these guys?

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