No Labor Left in the DFL

This Labor Day keep in mind the old DFL, (Democratic, Farmer, Labor) Party has abandoned Labor.

Most Americans work to support their families and increase their standard of living. For years Minnesota's DFL Party claimed to be the champions of the blue collar worker. 

No more.

Governor Dayton has shown the hand of the entire party. Do not forget as we hit the election season that Governor Dayton vetoed the Tax Conformity Bill last session. This means while most of the country benefits from President Trump's tax cuts, many Minnesotans won't!

According to the Duluth Tribune, "An estimated 800,000 Minnesotans are expected to end up paying up to $850 million in extra taxes." 

Nationally many Democrats are running on repealing tax cuts and increasing taxes. In Minnesota the Democratic Governor made sure they get more of your money.

So what used to be the DFL Party is now just the DF (Deaf) Party. Deaf to your desire to keep your own money!

So this Labor Day as the Democrats in Minnesota celebrate taking more of the fruits of your labor. One has to wonder why the Unions continue to endorse and support these candidates.

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