When Unions think they are above the Law!

I am shocked beyond belief. 

Fox News is reporting that,  

"Despite the landmark Supreme Court ruling this summer barring public-sector unions from requiring nonmembers to pay so-called agency fees, workers in several states say unions are either flat-out ignoring the decision or establishing a frustrating maze of procedural roadblocks to avoid compliance."
Rather then adhering to the Supreme Court decision in Janus v AFSCME that said Public Employees cannot be compelled to pay Fair Share Dues, they apparently think they can resist. 
For over 200 years a Supreme Court decision was final law. But these Unions are like a cancer. You think they are under control and they just metastasize!
SEIU and AFSCME (that directly lost) are now illegally making windows where people can withdraw at a future date. Some State Governments are even working with the Unions by not getting consent to take out dues.
But here's the frosting on the cake, the case was because AFSCME Fair Share members objected to their money (dues) being given to political candidates they didn't agree with. The Supreme Court ruled it violated their free speech (1st Amendment) rights by forcing them to support them.
For years it was believed that the Unions were just a pipeline of money to the Democratic Party. Well following that logic, apparently the Democratic Party believed they are entitled to those dues also. 
I'll leave you with this: The article goes on to say  "that states might be able to perform a constitutional end-run around Janus by directly funding unions using general tax revenues."

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