A Tale of Two Standards

We are all familiar with the serious allegations against MN Rep (and Attorney General candidate) Keith Ellison. Two women have accused him of abuse and there are even police reports. Minnesota Senator Tina Smith is silent on this matter.

Yet when a women suddenly "recalls" an event when she was drunk and in high school 36 years ago Senator Tina Smith says on her twitter page:

"These are very serious allegations. Both Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford have agreed to testify in front of the Judiciary Committee and that needs to happen. And we must have a full and thorough investigation before anything else can happen with this nomination." Tina Smith you are showing yourself not to care about women, but Party! You have only silence about two women making recent documented complaints against Keith Ellison. Where is your call for Keith Ellison and his accusers to testify before a Congressional Committee? If you cared about women you would care about all women, including Keith Ellison's victims. Clearly you have two standards. One for Democrats and one for Republicans. Abused women are only pawns for you. This is the same double standard Twitter also applies to it's users. Left wing users can spew vitriol to their hearts' content. Real racism against Jews, like Louis Farrakhan is OK. But let a conservative Twitter user like Educating Liberals @Education4Libs, express a conservative pro-Trump view and they end up in Twitter prison. So the real standard is if you are against Trump talk all you want, but if you are for him STFU! Great job Tina.

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