Have the Unions discovered their members?

So I'm watching the news, when suddenly I see Tim Henderson of AFSCME Council 5 supporting Stillwater Corrections Officers desire for more cameras and staff in the once again reopened industry area at Stillwater MCF!

That's funny, in a pathetic way. While Stillwater prison CO's were asking for more staff before, where was AFSCME? Supporting Black Lives Matter  protesting law enforcement instead.

When staff complained about the increase in inmate on staff assaults where was AFSCME?
Backing the policy of letting inmates out of segregation early for "inmate mental health."

For years AFSCME, SEIU and Teamsters have been more concerned with funneling money to Democratic politicians then supporting members.

Suddenly the Supreme Court rules that Public Employee's don't have to pay fare share dues and the money spigot starts drying up. A good man dies on the job because the Union ignored member pleas for safe workplace conditions and even more members quit the Union. Meaning even less money for their political buddies.

Now AFSCME speaks up! What changed? The Secret Truth is only the money flowing into their coffers did.

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