
Showing posts from July, 2018

Perfect to take Ellison's seat, perfectly corrupt!

Keith Ellison, known for his ties to CAIR and Louis Farrakhan, has found the perfect replacement for his Minnesota 5th District Congressional seat, I give you Ilhan Omar The Washington Times is reporting that MN Democratic State Rep Ilhan Omar improperly accepted $2,500 in speaking fees from an organization that lobbies at the legislature and some  GOP members are demanding she pay it back. There is already controversy as she has named two different men as her husband. One rumored to be her brother, and another allegedly to help his immigration status! ( Star Tribune ). Like Ellison, she is no stranger to putting out misleading information to the public either, like during last years protest bill debate. And just like former President Barack Obama, she also hails from Kenya and thinks Trump is a racist ! They really can't find anyone more qualified? Really?

Where was AFSCME in Corrections Officer Death?

Yesterday was the funeral of slain Stillwater Prison Corrections Officer Joseph Gomm. The 16 year employee was beat to death by an inmate doing his job. His job, and that of all Corrections Officers, is to protect society from people who have been deemed too dangerous to walk among us. Joseph Gomm, as all CO's at Stillwater Prison are, was a  member of the AFSCME Union. AFSCME's job is to represent the CO's. We know where Joseph Gomm was, w here was AFSCME? Where was AFSCME when Stillwater CO's were complaining about staffing cuts ? AFSCME was writing letters to the House of Representatives protesting enforcement of Immigration laws! Where was AFSCME when the Stillwater CO's were complaining about  violent inmates being released early from segregation ? AFSCME was  busy protesting the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court. Where was AFSCME when assaults on Corrections staff were increasing? AFSCME was protesting with Black Lives Matte

Keith Ellison, Gateway to Terror in Minnesota

Minnesota 5th District Congressman Keith Ellison is planning on stepping down from Congress to take a more direct role in the terror pipeline in Minnesota. Besides his links to race baiter Louis Farrakhan, Ellison is also a member of CAIR, with ties to the terror groups Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. According to Jihad Watch ,  Ellison has spoken at a convention of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). Yet ISNA has actually admitted its ties to Hamas, which styles itself the Palestinian arm of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Justice Department actually classified ISNA among entities “who are and/or were members of the US Muslim Brotherhood.” It gets worse. In 2008, Ellison accepted $13,350 from the Muslim American Society (MAS) to go on a pilgrimage to Mecca. The Muslim American Society is a Muslim Brotherhood organization: “In recent years, the U.S. Brotherhood operated under the name Muslim American Society, according to documents and interviews . If he w

DEM's and Rino’s-The real Nazi Collaborators

Look at the map showing the Nazi Germany occupation of WWII.  The dark red areas are occupied or conquered territories. The lighter red areas are territories that collaborated with the Nazi’s. The National Socialist Party, aka Nazi’s, did not respect sovereign borders. The collaborators in neighboring nations who supported that National Socialist philosophy welcomed them in! Today’s Democratic Socialist and their Rino sympathizers not only don’t want border security, they welcome in and want to accommodate the 12-30 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. as well as unvetted Islamists from Middle Eastern Countries.  Democratic Socialist German National Socialists (Nazi’s), American Democratic Socialists and the Rino sympathizers are all the same. Rino Sympathizer The United States is full of collaborators! Are you for open borders? The normalization of illegal immigrants? Abandonment of secure borders and immigration? You are a Nazi or a Nazi collaborator!