Perfect to take Ellison's seat, perfectly corrupt!

Keith Ellison, known for his ties to CAIR and Louis Farrakhan, has found the perfect replacement for his Minnesota 5th District Congressional seat, I give you Ilhan Omar

The Washington Times is reporting that MN Democratic State Rep Ilhan Omar improperly accepted $2,500 in speaking fees from an organization that lobbies at the legislature and some  GOP members are demanding she pay it back.

There is already controversy as she has named two different men as her husband. One rumored to be her brother, and another allegedly to help his immigration status! (Star Tribune).

Like Ellison, she is no stranger to putting out misleading information to the public either, like during last years protest bill debate.

And just like former President Barack Obama, she also hails from Kenya and thinks Trump is a racist!

They really can't find anyone more qualified? Really?

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