Where was AFSCME in Corrections Officer Death?

Yesterday was the funeral of slain Stillwater Prison Corrections Officer Joseph Gomm. The 16 year employee was beat to death by an inmate doing his job. His job, and that of all Corrections Officers, is to protect society from people who have been deemed too dangerous to walk among us.

Joseph Gomm, as all CO's at Stillwater Prison are, was a  member of the AFSCME Union. AFSCME's job is to represent the CO's. We know where Joseph Gomm was, where was AFSCME?

Where was AFSCME when Stillwater CO's were complaining about staffing cuts?

AFSCME was writing letters to the House of Representatives protesting enforcement of Immigration laws!

Where was AFSCME when the Stillwater CO's were complaining about violent inmates being released early from segregation?

AFSCME was  busy protesting the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court.

Where was AFSCME when assaults on Corrections staff were increasing?

AFSCME was protesting with Black Lives Matter against law enforcement!

Where was AFSCME while Corrections Officers pay was eroding?
AFSCME was fighting for $15 for non-union people!

The Secret Truth is AFSCME long ago quit caring about representing their members.They are now just a front for every liberal political cause and their members cash cows.

The News is reporting that Corrections Officers are quitting at Stillwater Prison. This writer hopes that the remaining CO's quit AFSCME. 

Nothing could be more poignant then the sad fact that while Joseph Gomm was being murdered. His union was busy worrying about everyone else.

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