Minneapolis leads the way for new segregation!

Inside MPLS Mayor Jacob Frey's Office
Remember that time in Selma, Alabama when blacks marched for the privilege of not having to be in the same room as whites?

And that other time when Rosa Parks complained she had to sit in the front of the bus with Whitey? And that time Martin Luther King Jr said he hoped for a time when people would be judged by the color of their skin rather than the content of their character?

Well thank God somebody in the City of Minneapolis Government remembered!

The City of Minneapolis will be celebrating the

400 Year of Resistance and Liberation - Remembering, Recovering, Reimagining

It recognizes the first slaves brought to Virginia by the British in 1619.
Judging by this article they must have been brought to Virginia Minnesota.

This must be why Minneapolis is so concerned that they won't even let whites in the same meeting room with blacks. Someone might return a runaway slave to work the mines of the Iron Range again.

This is from the city's article:

"Led by the City's Racial Equity Coordinators, Sacred Conversations, modeled after our ongoing practice of Safe and Brave Spaces, will give an opportunity for staff to discuss how they relate to the enslavement, resistance and continual push for liberation for African American people.
  • Discussions for Black Bodied Staff
    • Thursday, May 30, noon-1 p.m.
      Crown Roller Miller, Innovation Center
    • Thursday, June 27, noon-1 p.m.
      City Hall, Room 319
    • Thursday, July 25, noon-1 p.m.
      Public Service Center, Room B14
  • Discussions for White Bodied Staff
    • Thursday, May 30, noon-1 p.m.
      City Hall, Room 304
    • Thursday, June 27, noon-1 p.m.
      Crown Roller Miller, Innovation Center
    • Thursday, July 25, noon-1 p.m.
      City Hall, Room 319"

Thank God they're planning ahead, wouldn't want any black folk to be rubbing shoulders with their white neighbors.

I'm sure this all stems from the new segregation standards set by their fellow Democrats in the South
when white press wasn't allowed into a Mayoral candidate speech. I hear colored drinking fountains will be making a comeback.

On this page they clear the confusion.

It says, "To honor this commemoration, the City of Minneapolis’ Division of Race and Equity is coordinating an effort to bring City staff and residents together to remember the histories of African American people, recover the stories of oppression, resistance, and liberation, and reimagine a future that is not predicated on the harm of African American people."

Ah, bringing them together by putting blacks and whites in separate rooms. Brilliant!

The Secret Truth is that the Democrats have always been the party of segregation.

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