
320 Boss Brian Aldes ties to more corruption?

Westmoreland and Aldes In our last post we related the ties between Federally Indicted Chicago Union Boss John Coli and  Teamsters Local 320 Boss Brian Aldes. Now we learn that Brian Aldes other close friend, John Westmoreland has suddenly 'resigned' after being suspended from AFSCME Council 5. Rumor has it Brian Aldes and Teamsters Local 320 Recording - Secrtary, Erik Skoog are more than a little nervous. First their Central Region 'associate' John Coli Federally indicted, then UAW raids by the Feds leading up to RICO charges, now John Westmoreland. Brian Aldes (far right) There is an old saying, birds of a feather flock together, In 1989 the Teamsters were so corrupt they were placed under Federal Supervision called a Consent Decree. The Consent Decree has wound down (Obama's parting gift) and Bosses like Aldes and Coli wasted no time. There was a day that Teamsters Local 320 was under Federal Trusteeship. I'd hate to see that happen again.

Teamsters Local 320 Brian Aldes tied to indicted Chicago Boss Coli?

John Coli Word on the street is indicted Teamsters Boss John Coli has struck a plea deal with the Feds. The Chicago Sun Times is reporting: "Though he faces up to eight years in prison, his cooperation could land him a sentence of less than two years. Chief U.S. District Judge Rebecca Pallmeyer agreed to hold off on sentencing Coli until that cooperation is complete." Brian Aldes Sources tell the Secret Truth that, that singing leads all the way to Teamsters Local 320, possibly including Secretary - Treasurer Brian Aldes . The Secret Truth is that like all cornered rats, Coli's singing to save his hide. No other rats are safe.

AFSCME Executive Director John Westmoreland is suspended

The Duluth Tribune is reporting that AFSCME Executive Director John Westmoreland is suspended! The article goes on to say that he is suspended for "unspecified reasons." Has to be serious for the top dog to be suspended.  It brings up the fact AFSCME is a major player in Democratic politics. AFSCME, like their Teamster counterparts (Brian Aldes and Democratic Socialist Gus Froemke ) back the likes of Ilhan Omar, Keith Ellison and Gov. Tim Walz. It will be interesting to see if more Union leaders are caught in the net. From corrupt Union leaders, to their support of corrupt politicians, no wonder members are opting out of Public Sector Unions in droves! The Secret Truth is you can call this number to quit paying dues to these corrupt Unions: (847) 986-5662

Walz puts Fox in charge of Henhouse

MN Gov. Walz has appointed " Jodi Harpstead — currently the CEO of Lutheran Social Services — to be commissioner of the Department of Human Services." ( Star Tribune ) The Minnesota Department of Human Services has been rocked by a Somali Daycare Scandal ($100 Mil. scam) and an even more expensive adult care services scam. People have been resigning, but no one punished. Don't even ask where MN Attorney General Keith Ellison is. So what's the beef? Lutheran Social Services along with Catholic Charities are responsible for bringing over 50,000 (80,000 by some sources)  Somali refugees to Minnesota. Many of them end up on public assistance and it was the Somali community that defrauded the State of over $100,000,000 in day care funds. Besides public assistance fraud, the FBI says MN is now the terror recruitment capital of the US. The Secret Truth is the CEO of their sponsor, Lutheran Social Services, will now oversee the whole system.

AFSCME works against it's members!

This is AFSCME Council 5 showing their support for Rep. Ilhan Omar. Union members have some of the best health care plans in the country. Ilhan Omar is a champion of Medicare for All. Medicare for All will eliminate EVERY Union negotiated healthcare plan in the country. If Ilhan Omar and her 'squad' get their way there will be very little reason left to be in a Union. Union members will have greatly reduced benefits. Of course AFSCME will not be lowering their dues or employers increasing wages. Nope, AFSCME will collect the same money and the employer will get a big boost by all the negotiated Healthcare plans they will no longer have to fund. The Secret Truth is AFSCME is working against their members, again!

Minneapolis leads the way for new segregation!

Inside MPLS Mayor Jacob Frey's Office Remember that time in Selma, Alabama when blacks marched for the privilege of not having to be in the same room as whites? And that other time when Rosa Parks complained she had to sit in the front of the bus with Whitey? And that time Martin Luther King Jr said he hoped for a time when people would be judged by the color of their skin rather than the content of their character? Well thank God somebody in the City of Minneapolis Government remembered! The City of Minneapolis will be celebrating the 400 Year of Resistance and Liberation - Remembering, Recovering, Reimagining It recognizes the first slaves brought to Virginia by the British in 1619. Judging by this article they must have been brought to Virginia Minnesota. This must be why Minneapolis is so concerned that they won't even let whites in the same meeting room with blacks. Someone might return a runaway slave to work the mines of the Iron Range again. This is

Fireghters elite endose Biden - no member poll!

Today a friend called me angry his Union, IAFF Fire Fighters (his local is Minneapolis Fire Local 82), just endorsed Joe Biden for president!  Most Firefighters, like most First Responders are conservative. The elite of the IAFF Union never polled or even asked the rank and file who they support. But that's not new. IAFF Union leaders make between $280- $300,000 a year. Rank and file start at $42,000. Middle class firefighters have done well under President Trump. Not only have First Responders been fully backed by the Trump Administration, their pocket books have also improved with less taxes being deducted from their hard earned checks. Recently the Supreme Court decided members of Public Employee Unions like the IAFF do not have to be members and can opt out. Why? Precisely because Public Sector Unions back political candidates against the will of the members. Don't want to support Biden? Opt out of your IAFF Union. Go to Opt Out Today to find out