
Showing posts from April, 2019

Fireghters elite endose Biden - no member poll!

Today a friend called me angry his Union, IAFF Fire Fighters (his local is Minneapolis Fire Local 82), just endorsed Joe Biden for president!  Most Firefighters, like most First Responders are conservative. The elite of the IAFF Union never polled or even asked the rank and file who they support. But that's not new. IAFF Union leaders make between $280- $300,000 a year. Rank and file start at $42,000. Middle class firefighters have done well under President Trump. Not only have First Responders been fully backed by the Trump Administration, their pocket books have also improved with less taxes being deducted from their hard earned checks. Recently the Supreme Court decided members of Public Employee Unions like the IAFF do not have to be members and can opt out. Why? Precisely because Public Sector Unions back political candidates against the will of the members. Don't want to support Biden? Opt out of your IAFF Union. Go to Opt Out Today to find out

The argument for war with Mexico

On April 13, 2019 the Mexican Army detained and disarmed U.S. soldiers on U.S. territory! Mexico is currently not only allowing migrants from 3 countries to reach our border, but transporting them on buses. If our soldiers had been disarmed while deployed overseas the U.S. would have launched an airstrike on the base they came from . Our Government is mired in their usual impotent arguments while hundreds of thousands of people breach our border. They overwhelm our cities and drain our resources. U.S. response, crickets. If Congress declares war on Mexico our military can seal the border and shoot to kill anyone coming across. If the Mexican army crosses we can decimate their bases. If we suspect a Mexican port of off loading Chinese fentanyl we can bomb it and seal the harbor with our Navy. But don't expect anything. The Second Amendment was written because our Government's founders expected its' citizens to protect our nation from enemies domestic and for

Minnesota's elected officials' terror connections.

MN Congress woman Ilhan Omar is an active member of CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations), as is MN Attorney General Keith Ellison . CAIR passes itself off as a civil rights group protecting Muslims, but it is much more. The following is from Anti-CAIR . Siraj Wahaj (L) and Keith Ellison  *          *          *          * -- Points to Ponder -- CAIR   Employees And Officials   Support Terror Senior  CAIR  employee   Randall Todd Royer , a/k/a “Ismail” Royer, pled guilty and was sentenced to twenty years in prison for participating in a network of militant jihadists centered in Northern Virginia.  He admitted to aiding and abetting three persons who sought training in a terrorist camp in Pakistan for the purpose of waging jihad against American troops in Afghanistan.  Royer’s illegal actions occurred while he was employed with  CAIR CAIR's Director of Community Relations,   Bassem Khafagi   , was arrested by the United States due to his ties with a terror-fina