
Showing posts from March, 2019

Bye Bye Lake Wobegon

What used to come to mind when you thought of Minnesota?  Garrison Keillor's Prairie Home Companion and Lake Wobegon? People of Scandinavian descent who spoke with an accent like in the movie Fargo? Honest politicians like Hubert Humphrey and Fritz Mondale? People going to their local Church on Sunday and eating hot dish afterwards? If that's still your idea of Minnesota, think again! Gone is Lake Wobegon. It's been replaced by Little Mogadishu !  The Lutheran Church quit serving hot dish and began serving up tens of thousands of Somali refugees instead. Thank you Lutheran Social Services (LSS). It's brought with them stabbings at malls and arson at Colleges . But some did come here to earn money, unfortunately they did it by defrauding taxpayers with phony daycare scams and sending the money to terrorists in Somalia.  But at least Minnesotans' are still socially conscious. They used to join the Peace Corps, but now they join Isis and Al Shabab .