How the Grinch plans to steal Xmas
Gus Froemke The economy is the best it's been in years. Tax cuts have resulted in the highest employment in 50 years, the first actual increase in worker pay (2.9%) for over a decade and less taxes being taken from workers checks. The mines are not only open, but expanding in Northern Minnesota and so many people are now buying houses that there's not enough! But lurking around the corner is Grinch! Governor elect Tim Walz is already proposing a tax hike! Minnesota has a $2 billion surplus, but Walz and his friends are proposing a tax increase on gasoline. He promised no middle class tax hike, but that is exactly what a higher gas tax is. It will cost more not only at the pump, but at the store. The cost of shipping will increase, and those costs will be passed on to consumers in higher prices for food, clothes and anything shipped by truck. So who are Walz's backers? Well there's the usual suspects the Teamsters , AFSCME , and SEIU . It's funny tha...