The argument for war with Mexico

On April 13, 2019 the Mexican Army detained and disarmed U.S. soldiers on U.S. territory!

Mexico is currently not only allowing migrants from 3 countries to reach our border, but transporting them on buses.

If our soldiers had been disarmed while deployed overseas the U.S. would have launched an airstrike on the base they came from.

Our Government is mired in their usual impotent arguments while hundreds of thousands of people breach our border. They overwhelm our cities and drain our resources.

U.S. response, crickets.

If Congress declares war on Mexico our military can seal the border and shoot to kill anyone coming across. If the Mexican army crosses we can decimate their bases. If we suspect a Mexican port of off loading Chinese fentanyl we can bomb it and seal the harbor with our Navy.

But don't expect anything.

The Second Amendment was written because our Government's founders expected its' citizens to protect our nation from enemies domestic and foreign.

Recently U.S. militia have detained hundreds of illegals crossing our border. Our government's response? To arrest the leader.

On this day (April 21st) in 1836, Sam Houston and volunteers (militia) defeated the Mexican army in just 12 minutes!

The Secret Truth is if the Government won't do their job, citizens must. Declare War or step out of the way.

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