Bye Bye Lake Wobegon

What used to come to mind when you thought of Minnesota? 

Garrison Keillor's Prairie Home Companion and Lake Wobegon? People of Scandinavian descent who spoke with an accent like in the movie Fargo? Honest politicians like Hubert Humphrey and Fritz Mondale? People going to their local Church on Sunday and eating hot dish afterwards?

If that's still your idea of Minnesota, think again!

Gone is Lake Wobegon. It's been replaced by Little Mogadishu

The Lutheran Church quit serving hot dish and began serving up tens of thousands of Somali refugees instead. Thank you Lutheran Social Services (LSS). It's brought with them stabbings at malls and arson at Colleges. But some did come here to earn money, unfortunately they did it by defrauding taxpayers with phony daycare scams and sending the money to terrorists in Somalia. 

But at least Minnesotans' are still socially conscious. They used to join the Peace Corps, but now they join Isis and Al Shabab

The politicians are different also. Lets start with Labor Endorsed Ilhan Omar, one of the resettled Somalians. She married her brother and rose to the high office of Congress, representing her largely Somalian 5th District. She also brought with her anti-Semitism and apologies for terrorists!

Not to be outdone, Minnesota's home grown Democratic Senators are no Humphrey or Mondale either.

Senator Tina Smith is a proud former Executive of Planned Parenthood and calls third trimester abortions "women's healthcare," unless of course you're the dead baby girl.

Then there's Senator Amy Klobuchar. Remember Minnesota nice? Meet Minnesota mean! She has earned a reputation for bullying and abusing her staff. She is a Progressive though. She is against border security and wants illegals to vote!

However, Minnesota is still a law and order State. Our Attorney General Keith Ellison has a reputation for being tough on women and easy on anti-Semites like Louis Farrakhan. He's also fighting hard for Minnesotans' by suing President Trump over border security to keep a steady flow of cheap illegal labor in Minnesota. See how he fits in with the new Minnesota?

I have been a little hard on our State. They are still very religious here. While it's true baptisms are down, Female Genital Mutilations are up! See, still a spiritual people.

At least Minneapolis is safe. We only ranked #25 on the top 100 list of dangerous cities. So take that evening stroll and enjoy the nightlife!

Lake Wobegon is gone, but the Secret Truth is, Progressivism and Little Mogadishu are here to stay! 


You Betcha.

Alluhar Akbar

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