The Secret Truth Behind LA Teachers Strike

Finally the lefts' real reason for the LA Teachers strike is out.

According to Labor Notes, the

Los Angeles Teachers Strike to Defend Public Schools from the Privatizers

Aha! The article states, "A win would be a critical pushback against the billionaire union-busting forces who are hellbent on privatizing public education."

and "“This is the second-largest teachers union, and the privatizers are trying to take us down,” said Ramos. “When we win, it will show everyone that the teachers have power and we are going to keep public education public.”

So while they claim it's about smaller classrooms, it's really about CONTROL!

Because according to LA School Report, 1 out of 8 students in California have undocumented parents. The solution would be obvious. Quit sending illegals to school!

Logically, children attending private school would reduce public classroom size. 

This is not about children, the Secret Truth is, they want to end the choice of parents to send their kids to private schools, and force them into schools overcrowded with the children of illegals for their tax money.

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