Teamsters, no Democracy here!

UPS package handlers REJECTED a contract proposal, but IBT says it must be ratified anyways!

Surprised? Don't be. More often then not these larger Unions are just part of a fabric of the left trying to usher in Socialism. 

Recently in Minnesota Brian Aldes, Secretary-Treasurer of Local 320 joined forces with SEIU and AFSCME to protest a Supreme Court Ruling protecting First Amendment Rights of Union Members. The right to leave the Union! They believe in force, not choice.

Gus Froemke, an admitted Socialist wrote the press release! 

They tell you to join the Union for workers rights. United is stronger.
But in reality it's toe the line or expect violence. If you don't vote right, they will jam it down your throat anyways. 

There is a contingency within the Teamsters who want their voices to be heard, Teamsters for a Democratic Union (TDU). But just like Antifa now attacking anyone who voices disagreement, they end up at the end of a Union fist for wanting real Democracy.

Too often it is the likes John Coli, Sr extorting money from businesses and palling around with their endorsed candidates like Rahm Emanuel. Because at the end of the day, it's about power and control, not workers rights.

The new axis of evil are the Teamsters, AFSCME and SEIU. 

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